Cave & Karst Studies
Cave and Karst Studies at New Mexico Tech (NMT) is NCKRI’s Academic Program, directed by Dr. Daniel Jones, NCKRI’s Academic Director and an Assistant Professor in the EES Department at NMT. It is designed to provide specialized undergraduate and graduate instruction for students interested in or pursuing a career in the cave and karst sciences.
This was another exciting year for Cave and Karst Studies. Over the last year, we supported several new undergraduate research fellowships, piloted a new Science Communication summer program, and created opportunities for students to learn about cave science through new course offerings and field trips.
Recent Events
Riana Foley and Daniel Runyan were NCKRI’s first science communication scholars. Over the summer and early fall, they participated in a new science communication program, developed by Dr. Jones in partnership with Dr. Graham Lau and the Blue Marble Space Institute of Science’s Young Scientist Program. Over the summer, Riana and Daniel interacted with other science communication scholars, participated in communications and ethics training, interviewed professional scientists, and produced several articles. You can see some of their writings at the links below:

Photos: Daniel Runyan and Riana Foley on their first caving experience, in Coffee and Robinson’s Cave, New Mexico. Photos by Dan Jones and Devra Heyer.

Dr. Jones taught classes in Geomicrobiology, Earth History, and a new cave science course called Introduction to Caves and Karst. His classes took advantage of New Mexico’s amazing geology for field trips to travertine springs, carbonate stratigraphy, and nearby caves. We’re lucky to have amazing geology right in our backyard that allowed us to safely continue class field trips throughout the pandemic. Students in Jones’ classes also honed their science communication skills by writing summaries of recent primary literature articles for the website Sciworthy. You can see a sampling of their articles linked below, and read a press release about Jones’ science communication class activity here:
- And more at

Photos: Students on a fieldtrip to Robinson’s Cave in New Mexico’s Black Range. Steve Peerman and Devra Heyer led the trip with Dan. Photo by Devra Heyer.

Photo: Students measuring water chemistry and collecting microbial samples in Valles Caldera National Preserve on a fieldtrip in Dr. Jones Geomicrobiology class. Photo by Dan Jones
Student Opportunities at NMT
New Mexico Tech is highly ranked among US universities in several important categories. It focuses on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) programs, which makes it an ideal home for NCKRI. For students interested in caves and karst, great opportunities exist not just in geology and biology but engineering, chemistry, robotics, and other fields. Tp learn more about NCKRI’s Cave and Karst Studies Program contact Dr. Daniel Jones, you can also find additional information on NMT’s Earth and Environmental Science website.