The NCKRI Symposia are a series of proceedings from cave and karst conferences NCKRI has organized or jointly organized with partners. All Symposia can be found on the Karst Information Portal, click on the images below to download the PDF.

NCKRI Symposium 1: Advances in Hypogene Karst Studies
Edited by Dr. Kevin W. Stafford, Dr. Lewis Land, and Dr. George Veni.
Available for $50 plus shipping/handling. See ordering instructions below.

NCKRI Symposium 4: Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Ice Caves
Edited by Dr. Lewis Land

NCKRI Symposium 7: Proceedings of the 15th Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst and the 3rd Appalachian Karst Symposium
Dr. Ira D. Sasowsky, Michael J. Byle, and Dr. Lewis Land
To Order Publications: To pay by VISA, MasterCard, AMEX or Discover, send an email with your request to or call 001-575-887-5518, or send a check payable to NCKRI, Attn: Office Manager, 400-1 Cascades Avenue, Carlsbad, New Mexico, 88220, USA. Be sure to specify the publication(s) you wish to purchase.