Special Papers
NCKRI Special Papers are major research reports focused on a specific topic involving caves and karst. They may be authored by NCKRI partners as well as staff.

Special Paper 1: Hypogene Speleogenesis: Hydrogeological and Morphogenetic Perspective
By Dr. Alexander Klimchouk
This book, the first in a new series by the National Cave and Karst Research Institute, draws on international examples and the international experience of author Dr. Alexander Klimchouk to firmly establish hypogene speleogenesis as a major and wide-spread phenomenon. This book carefully outlines the characteristics of hypogenic karst aquifers, independent of their varied geochemistry, and provides practical guidance in recognizing such systems through more than 60 figures and 19 pages of color photos.
Dr. Klimchouk concludes his book with a chapter that reevaluates karst management problems and economic resources relative to hypogenic processes. Hypogene Speleogenesis will be the starting point of many karst investigations for many years to come.
Available for $35 plus shipping/handling. (See ordering instructions below.)

Special Paper 2: Role of Hydrogen Sulfide in the Formation of Cave and Karst Phenomena in the Guadalupe Mountains and Western Delaware Basin, New Mexico and Texas
By Douglas Kirkland
The Guadalupe Mountains have been the focus and leading international example of hydrogen sulfide speleogenesis. Despite the hundreds of published studies on the region, important questions remain. Douglas Kirkland answers many of those questions through his decades of experience with the geology of the Guadalupes and a detailed synthesis and reexamination the literature. His insights and conclusions will prove valuable to understanding the role of hydrogen sulfide to karst development in other parts of the world.
Available for $25 plus shipping/handling. (See ordering instructions below.)
To Order Publications: To pay by VISA, MasterCard, AMEX or Discover, send an email with your request to or call 001-575-887-5518, or send a check payable to NCKRI, Attn: Office Manager, 400-1 Cascades Avenue, Carlsbad, New Mexico, 88220, USA. Be sure to specify the publication(s) you wish to purchase.