Celebrate Cave Week!
June 1-7th, 2025
What is Cave Week?

Cave Week is a great chance to enjoy, celebrate and learn about our caves. All are invited to join in this fantastic celebration of the underground world.
The purpose of Cave Week is to set aside meaningful time to recognize our connection to caves, while sharing our wonder and knowledge that is gained by these special places.
Want to learn more? Join the mailing list!
Why should people care about caves or cave environments?
Caves are unique environments that have fragile mineral formations, rare flora and fauna, irreplaceable artifacts, and distinctive fossils. For example, cave formations can record Earth’s history and environment. Due to a cave’s constant environment, they can be used as natural laboratories for modern research. Consequently, each year millions of tourist explore the wonder and beauty of caves. Many aquifers that provide vital sources of drinking water are connected to caves. Caves are multidisciplinary. Disciplines such as Paleontology, Archeology, Biology, Geology, Hydrology, and Meteorology, gain valuable information from caves.

How Can You Join in the Celebration?
Here are some more ways to celebrate:
- On social media tag @caveweek or use the #caveweek hashtag when posting
- Use the Cave Week logo
- Share about USA Cave Animal of the Year
- Organize an in person event such as:
- Cave or karst cleanup
- Art event or contest
- Bat walk or survey
- Webinar or guest speaker
- Dress like a caver, cave scientist, speleothem, cave animal or other cave themed costume
- Cave or bat themed cooking class or potluck
- Book reading
- Movie screening
- Be creative! Share how you connect to caves in your life.
Additional Resources:
- Cave Week Toolkit: With a variety of online and printable resources
- Jr Cave Scientist: Please note you can receive hard copies by emailing .
- Communications Plan
- Webinar: Celebrate Cave Week 2024!
- National Park Service: Cave Week
- National Speleological Society: Cave Week